It's hard to believe, but the holiday season is upon us! Many businesses, large and small, choose to include clients and colleagues in holiday gift giving, which means now is the time for the (sometimes dreaded) task of gift selection. Independent communications...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
7 Ways to Stop Wasting Money on Professional Development
Ongoing education is critical to success in our business, but with so many “gurus” online – from individuals to big name trade publications – peddling conferences, advice and information products, how can you be selective and avoid falling victim to mediocre...
For PROs Only: Client Reporting Templates
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in PR or have operated as an independent consultant, it’s always interesting to see how others handle client reports. How you report to clients can play a pivotal role in keeping them happy and satisfied. Exclusively for our...
Modern SEO Cheat Sheet for PR Pros [Infographic]
In recent years, Google has made a number of important updates to its algorithm that impact many aspects of PR and marketing (not just Search Engine Optimization, or SEO). Did you know distributing press releases via a wire service no longer positively impacts SEO,...
Chat Recap: Managing Your Self-Employed Business
The rise of the independent nation is well underway, and much of world has recognized the critical role professional independent consultants can play in today's workforce. As the environment for freelancers and contractors continues to evolve, those of us who are...
Negotiating and Business – Join This Week’s #SoloPR Topic Chat
Be sure to checkout the re-cap post for this chat - which includes highlights and the full transcript - here. Tomorrow (Wednesday, 10/22/14) at 1-2 p.m. Eastern time, we’re looking forward to our monthly #SoloPR Topic Chat on Twitter (never participated in a Twitter...
How to Optimize a Business YouTube Channel
According to a Pew Internet study the majority (78%) of adult internet users watch or download videos, and among the most watched content is educational and how-to videos. With YouTube being the top site for video (and with the benefits that come from being...
PRO-Only Post: When to Spend Money to Make Money
Recently, I received an email from a member of Solo PR PRO Premium (slightly edited to conceal identity, below): Kellye: I love being a member of the Solo PR Pro group. The insights and advice shared among the group is amazing. I took a peek at your expenses this...
Chat Recap: #SoloPR Twitter Chat Turns 5!
This week, we celebrated the #SoloPR chat's fifth birthday! Longer than any other continuously running PR chat on Twitter, we've gathered an amazing group of professionals who play hard, work harder, and are always interested in helping and learning from each other...
The Rise of the Independent Nation – Follow the Money
When I first opened my business as a solo PR pro in 1995, independent communications consultants were a rare breed. While forward-looking clients (primarily at PR agencies) embraced the benefits of working with experienced and flexible outside counsel, other...
#SoloPR Chat Turns 5 – Join Us to Celebrate!
In 2009, the U.S. welcomed its first black president, we mourned the loss of the "King of Pop," and people were talking about a crazy new TV show called the Jersey Shore. And on Twitter, we gathered a group of forward-looking early adopters for an hour of "smarts and...
Members-Only Crowdsourced Client Reviews
Update: This scorecard has been combined with our other crowdsourcing spreadsheets, so you can find them all in one place! Learn more here. This Client Review Scorecard could very well become our secret weapon! If you've worked with a client that other...