At long last, you’ve achieved the ultimate dream: working for yourself. You're a solo PR pro now!Finally, you have almost complete control over your career. You can choose when you work, where you work from, the types of projects you do and your ideal client...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Spotlight on a Solo PR Pro: Meet Nicole Castro
Nicole Castro thought she was going to be a doctor. But after a couple of years in the pre-med program at City College of New York, she changed directions, declaring majors in anthropology and journalism. She didn’t know then that this new path would lead her to the...
3 Tips for Pulling Off a Viral Event, According to the Founder of the Fraud Street Run
After the accidental post-election press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia this past November, Jeff Lyons, long-time runner and co-host of the Junk Miles podcast, had an idea: Run 11 miles from Four Seasons Total Landscaping to the Four...
5 Things to Know After Reviewing Pew Internet’s ‘Social Media Use in 2021’ Report
In April, Pew Internet released another great report detailing social media use in 2021. I recommend taking a peek at the whole report since it outlines many demos around who’s using which platforms. For example, LinkedIn trends toward white, middle-aged men...
Spotlight on a Solo PR Pro: Meet Kahshanna Evans
Kahshanna Evans began her career in front of the camera, working with networks like ABC and NBC in roles ranging from commercials to small appearances and even a larger day-player role on Law & Order. Originally from Southern California, she had moved to New York...
5 Solos Share How They Deal With a Client Crisis
Just because you’re a solo PR pro doesn’t mean you’re in this alone. There’s a whole community of like minded people you can lean on. In this monthly series, we ask five Solo PR Pro members to share their best tips, tricks and resources for managing their solo...
3 Ways You Can (and Should) Invest in Your Business
It’s completely understandable if you’re hesitant to spend money on your business. After all, it’s unlikely you have the hefty cash reserves of a bigger company. Of course, managing spend is critical, as you always want to have a cushion for down times and...
Is That Client Worth Pursuing? How to Pre-Qualify Prospects
When a prospective client requests a proposal, do you excitedly hop right on it? Many veteran Solo PR pros have learned sometimes the best course of action is to take a deep breath and carefully probe for additional information first. In this post Solo PR PRO...
How (and When) to Fire a Client [2021 Updated]
Whether you’re just striking it out on your own or have been a solo PR pro for a while, you understand how valuable each of your clients can be to your bottom line. Unfortunately, not every client relationship is going to be what you hoped for. Eventually you...
What Solo PR Pros Need to Know About Influencer Marketing and Maximizing Your Reach
What comes to mind when you think about influencer marketing? If you take the word of mainstream media, you’ll likely believe influencers are Instagrammers with large followings, duck-lip selfies and unmeasurable content — but that’s far from the truth. ...
Spotlight on a Solo PR Pro: Meet Bernadette Adams Davis
Bernadette Adams Davis pretty much always knew she wanted to work in the media industry. She began her career as an aspiring newspaper reporter, securing an internship at the Atlanta Journal Constitution before becoming a daily reporter in Greenville, South...
5 Solo PR Pros Share The Top Tools They Use on a Daily Basis
Just because you’re a solo PR pro doesn’t mean you’re in this alone. There’s a whole community of like minded people you can lean on. In this monthly series, we ask five Solo PR Pro members to share their best tips, tricks and resources for managing their solo...