An international group of independent communication pros gathered for the April 30 #solopr Twitter chat to discuss the following topics of interest: (1/2) We all know about the Clippers. @prtini makes a great pt about using visuals in crisis...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Working with Subcontractors – Everything Entrepreneurs Need to Know
When a new business owner first begins to experience a snowball of success, it’s exciting – until the realization sets in that you have more work to do than you can handle by yourself! Before you rush to hire an employee, first consider the interim step most solo PR...
Chat Recap: Twitter Profiles, Believing in Your Clients, and more
During the April 22 #solopr twitter chat, a diverse group of independent communication pros from across the country gathered to discuss the following topics of interest: Should I continue to subcontract with an agency that gives me lame media pitches, won't accept...
How to Get to the Top of the Blogging Heap
In this dog eat dog world, do people really cooperate to get to the top? Of course they do, and the world of blogging is one of the most obvious examples. Solo PR Pros support each other on a regular basis, and today we're unveiling a resource to help you easily find...
Chat recap: Publication Promises, Pay-to-Play and Hyperbole
During the April 16 #solopr twitter chat a diverse group of independent communication pros from across the country gathered to discuss the following topics of interest: Have you ever promised a client coverage in their chosen publication in order to win their...
How and Why to Participate in Twitter Chats – Everything You Need to Know
If you’ve never participated in a Twitter chat (sometimes called a Tweet Chat), the concept can be a bit confusing. Here’s what you need to know to participate in any chat on Twitter.
On Boarding, Setting Boundaries and Self-Promotion
Each Wednesday at 1 pm EST, a diverse group of independent communication pros from across the globe gather to discuss hot topics and timely issues that impact the solo professional. The April 9 #solopr twitter chat was once again filled with savvy pros at varying...
5 Reasons Blog Comments Are Still Important
Whither the blog comment? Recently, popular blog Copyblogger announced they were removing the comment section from their blog, and encouraged readers to instead write their own posts in response, or comment on Google+ and Twitter. Mark Schaefer shared his thoughts on...
Spin Sucks – But You Don’t Have To
Can you clearly articulate the difference between paid, earned, owned, and shared media, and how to capitalize on each? Do you know how to use your love of reading fiction for better storytelling in your day job? If you know you (or your clients) could use a primer on...
Subcontractors, Gaining Client Trust and Oh No, Not That!
What’s a savvy solo independent pro to do when a client goes way off script during a media interview? Read this week’s transcript to find out! During the April 2 #solopr Twitter chat this question and the following topics of interest were vigorously discussed by...
How to Create Your Own Logo in 5 Minutes
Logos are central to an organization’s visual brand identity, and as communications consultants, we’re trained to give them a great deal of importance. But in fact, if you need a logo quickly and with minimal hassle (for invoices, letterhead, business cards, etc.), you can actually create your own logo in 5 minutes, no special design software required!
PRO-Only Post: When the Writing Is On the Wall
Last week, I received the following email from a client I’ve worked with for several years, with the subject line “Volume Reductions:” Kellye, Our [business] has been under pressure through the 1st quarter. We are seeing some slight pick-up this past week and...