Both Facebook's Timeline cover image requirements and the Profile image dimensions can present challenges to non-designers. We outline several quick, emergency methods to developing these images in the public post: Need Facebook Timeline Cover or Logo Help? Emergency...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Need Facebook Timeline Cover or Logo Help? Emergency Cheats Here
As you probably know, Facebook’s new Timeline design went live for everyone – like it or not – this week. If you're like me and you got a panicked phone call from a client at the last minute, asking for help on their Facebook timeline images, or you procrastinated on...
Announcing New Find a PR Consultant Feature, and more
Today, we're proud to unveil our new no-cost Find a PR Consultant feature that will help those seeking assistance from a solo PR pro locate the help they need. It's also the last day for independent consultants to get in on the beta Solo PR PRO Premium membership. In...
Conference Call Services, Mistrust in PR, & More
During the March 28 #solopr Twitter chat, independent PR pros discussed working with clients who got "burned," preferred conference call services, and mistrust in the PR industry. In addition to the downloadable transcript in PDF, the following highlights some of the...
11 Must-Watch Diverse Marketing Influencers
Lists of people to watch in marketing often come under fire for being light on diversity. Here’s the thing: including those with ethnic, cultural and religious differences is not hard to do! Some say there’s a diversity deficit, and that may be true, but as with many...
International Clients, Being A Better Boss, & More
The March 21, 2012 chat was sponsored by PitchPen, a site that allows social media consultants to get new clients and grow their business. Be the first to join their global network when it launches mid-2012 and get their free guide to getting new clients. ...
Do you need 1:1 advice with a specific client or business situation? Leave your burning questions in the Q&A thread on the Forums or keep your identity a secret with the anonymous question submission form. Kellye Crane and other experienced Solo PR Pros will...
PRO Q&A: Resigning a Client
We recently received an anonymous question from one of our members: Q: How do you resign a client – what do you say? Usually, when a client arrangement isn’t working, there are things we can do to salvage it. But sometimes, through no fault of our own, things just...
On Benefit and Bonuses, or How I Let Down My Only Employee
The following is a guest post from Jenny Schmitt, founder of CloudSpark. I’ve had the same boss for nearly seven years now. In that time, I’ve had one pay raise, I’ve worked nights, weekends, holidays and compromised on vacations and family time. To be fair, my boss...
Cash Flow, New Biz Trends, & More
During the March 14 #solopr Twitter chat, independent PR pros discussed managing cash flow, current new business trends, & tracking earned media impressions. In addition to the downloadable transcript in PDF, the following highlights some of the most popular...
Members Only Content
Sorry, this content is exclusively for members of Solo PR PRO Premium. To learn more about the many time- and money-saving benefits of PRO membership, click here to get access. Already a member? Sign in below: %%LOGIN_FORM%% ...
Current PRO Special Offers
With these exclusive offers, you can pay for your Solo PR PRO Premium membership many times over! We pursue partnerships with companies and services that are popular with our members and offer desired services. Solo PR PRO does not make any money from your purchases...