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With these exclusive offers, you can pay for your Solo PR PRO Premium membership many times over! We pursue partnerships with companies and services that are popular with our members and offer desired services. Solo PR PRO does not make any money from your purchases...
Story Arcs for Social Media
The following is a guest post from Lisa Sirkin Vielee, owner of Gracie Communications. Heather Rast’s recent blog about creating a conversation (or social media) calendar provided a great planning tool for integrating social media into an overall communications...
SXSW Attendance, Referral Fees, & More
During the March 7 #solopr Twitter chat, independent PR pros discussed SXSW attendance, referral fees, social media commentary as a new business tool, & possible topics for a 2013 Solo PR conference. In addition to the downloadable transcript in PDF, the following...
Collaborative Project Management Tools You Should Know (Part Three: Paid)
By Kellye Crane and Heather Rast PR consultants that move away from excessive team emails and adopt a useful solution for collaborative project management are able to take on bigger and more lucrative client work. In this series, we help you make sense of the myriad...
Facebook Timeline for Pages, Blog Commenting Systems, & More
During the February 29 #solopr Twitter chat, independent PR pros discussed Facebook's Timeline feature for brand pages, the best (and worst) blog commenting systems, and what solo PR pros are doing this year to leap forward. In addition to the downloadable transcript...
LEAP Forward
Every four years, we get a bonus day – an extra day to do with what we will. On this Leap Day, doesn’t it seem like a good moment to pause and think about our goals, and what we’re leaping toward? For me, I purposely selected this day to release some new deliverables...
Collaborative Project Management Tools You Should Know (Part Two: Freemium)
By Kellye Crane and Heather Rast As we mentioned in Part One of this series, effective project management is important for all professionals, but for solo PR pros, it can be a key to profitability. Making better use of your time means you can take on more work and...
Websites, Biz Cards, & More
During the February 22 #solopr Twitter chat, independent PR pros discussed the need for a website, what to do with all those business cards, and how to handle your work when sick. In addition to the downloadable transcript in PDF, the following highlights some of the...
February PRO Q&A: Doing your own tech support
If you’re a current Solo PR PRO Premium member at the time this post goes live, you should have received email notice that, based on member feedback, we’re switching to a written Q&A feature (versus the recorded call version), so you can read at your leisure! For...
Collaborative Project Management Tools You Should Know (Part One: The Free)
By Kellye Crane and Heather Rast The secret to earning a highly profitable income as a successful PR consultant often comes from an unexpected place: effective systems for collaboration and project management. You either have a solution that allows you to easily track...
What Solo PR Pros Really Do
As you've probably seen, there's a funny little meme going around depicting the difference between what people think you do, and what you actually do for a living. For some Friday fun, I thought we solo PR pros could use one of our own! What do you think? What...