Once upon a time—well, not that long ago—television sets had dials on them that were used to change channels. There were two channel dials, VHF and UHF, named after the “very high” or “ultra-high” frequencies that stations used for their broadcasts. The VHF dial,...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
11 Apps that Make Tax Time Easier for Solo PR Pros
With the arrival of spring and longer, warmer days, the last thing a busy Solo PR Pro wants to do is spend more time indoors making sense of receipts, expenses, and other data in preparation for filing taxes. Download these apps now to make your day-to-day business...
Brainstorming for One
Solo PR Pros don’t have to give up brainstorming when they leave the corner office. You can brainstorm on your own with these tips.
The Persona’s Place in PR
Personas have spread throughout the business world. Starting in the information technology space for tailoring application development to intended users, the idea of using fictional characters to characterize a particular audience in fine detail has been taken up by...
Search Engine Optimization is a PR Pro’s Friend
Do thoughts of how to use search engine optimization (SEO) make your head spin? It’s OK. And, guess what? You are probably in better shape than you realize because SEO has come a long way from its white vs. black hat, keyword-gaming origins. These days SEO is based on...
Solo PR Pros – Small Size, Big Impact
When Solo PR Pros get a seat at the table they do amazing work. However, some companies will not even allow solos into the room because of their size, and this can be a huge mistake. In a recent post for Cision I discussed large agencies and solo PR Pros. In it I...
Live and Learn
It is important for Solo PR Pros to keep their skills fresh. We know that you are busy and don't have time to research all of the options for professional development. Exclusively, for Solo PR PRO Premium members, we have done the legwork and curated a list of...
Get Motivated with a Mastermind
One of the best aspects of operating as a solo practitioner is, well, being solo. The autonomy of choosing our projects and, for the most part, how we work is a fulfilling way to make a living. We provide value and combat isolation by collaborating with our teams and...
Get a Room! The Benefits of a Solo Business Retreat
Setting aside time once a year to get away from your usual location and routine to check in with yourself and your business goals is good for business, and you.
Time Management for the Solo PR Pro: Who Has Time for That?
We all have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé, so they say. Except where Beyoncé has a huge team behind her, as solo consultants, we are the ones wearing many of the hats in our businesses. So, what’s a solo to do? Maximizing our time is directly...
The Wholeness Conversation
Karen Swim had the opportunity to chat with Dr.Glenn McElhinney on the subject of "wholeness," what it really means and why it is important to Solo PR Pros. Exclusively for PRO Premium members, we are providing the audio and raw transcript. As an additional bonus, Dr....
2019 Trends to Watch for Solo PR Pros
We hope that 2018 was a good year for you, both personally and professionally. Now that 2019 has arrived, what new tactics and capabilities can we expect as we strengthen our positions as strategic partners for our clients? Voice Search / AI Did you receive an Amazon...