Be sure to checkout the re-cap post for this chat – which includes highlights and the full transcript – here.
Next Wednesday, August 27, at 1-2 p.m. Eastern time (10-11 a.m. Pacific), we’re looking forward to our first #SoloPR Topic Chat on Twitter (Never participated in a Twitter chat? Here’s how!). We’ll be addressing one of the most vexing challenges facing many solo and small businesses: health insurance.
Our guest will be Angus McRae, a 25-year veteran insurance broker who is extremely knowledgeable on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and specializes in providing individual health insurance, from both private insurers as well as
The questions for this chat will include:
1. What is Open Enrollment? Is it a factor even if I go with a private insurer?
2. If I leave my job to become a Solo PR Pro, is that a “qualifying event?”
3. When does it make sense to use the website?
4. I have pre-existing conditions. What do I need to know about my chances of getting insurance today?
5. Should I get a plan with a high deductible to keep my health insurance costs down?
6. How can an insurance broker be helpful?
7. I’ve heard of Bronze, Silver and Gold plans. Do these allow for an apples-to-apples comparison between insurers?
Do you have any questions on health insurance not included above? This is your chance to get expert advice! Definitely let us know in the comments, and we’ll be happy to address them during the chat. In addition to Angus' expert advice, we look forward to hearing the health insurance experiences of our community as part of the chat.
Please make your plans now to us on Wednesday, August 27, at 1-2 p.m. Eastern time (10-11 a.m. Pacific)!