In 2009, the U.S. welcomed its first black president, we mourned the loss of the “King of Pop,” and people were talking about a crazy new TV show called the Jersey Shore. And on Twitter, we gathered a group of forward-looking early adopters for an hour of “smarts and sass,” Solo PR-style.
The time has flown by, but it's true – the #SoloPR chat on Twitter has been going strong for five years! Please join us next Wednesday, October 8, at our usual time (1-2 p.m. Eastern, 10-11 a.m. Pacific) as we celebrate the longest continually-running PR chat on Twitter.
An extension of the Solo PR Pro blog (which was founded a year earlier), the #SoloPR Twitter chat was our first foray into using social media to foster the cooperative spirit and support that has become a hallmark of our community.
Everyone is welcome to join us on Wednesday (not just past participants, and not just solos) as we use our typical Q&A format to share lessons learned, reminisce and have some fun (we may even have a few sur-prizes!).
Hope you can join us, and if you've never participated in a Twitter chat, here’s how.