During the March 19 Solo PR chat, an international group of top independent communication pros discussed the following topics of interest:
- What do you do if you have a client spokesperson who thinks they can reach out/talk to media directly?
- If you see a young pro at your client making a mistake, do you tell them?
- How is PR handled on the social level when everyone has a twitter account? (how can you coordinate/manage when multiple employees are participating in social networks?)
Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for the full discussion. If you weren’t able to join us this week, weigh in on the chat questions below!
The #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is a weekly ritual for some of the most savvy PR pros on Twitter. Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to participate. If you're looking for immediate answers to your questions and real-time access to wisdom from veteran pros, join us as a Premium member of Solo PR Pro – our private Facebook group is available 24/7.
Image courtesy of chanpipat – freedigitalphotos.net