Chat Recap: Elevators, Beaches, Control and Taking the High Road


Chat Recap: Elevators, Beaches, Control and Taking the High Road

May 15, 2014 | Chats

Chat Recap: Elevators, Beaches, Control and Taking the High Road

May 15, 2014 | Chats

woman relaxing at beachOn May 14,  independent communication pros representing a broad range of industries gathered for the weekly #solopr Twitter chat. These diverse pros discussed the following topics of interest:

  1. What do you do when you have to work w/another agency as part of client assignment, and they don't play nice?
  2. You may have seen the family drama involving Beyonce, Jay Z and Solange: Beyonce and Jay Z haven't commented on the story. When is it OK to stay silent, and when must you comment?
  3. Summer is around the corner- how do you adjust/manage schedule when life needs more attention?
  4. Fellow #solopr @ArikHanson has a new post on PR and control: you think we have control these days?  Do you think we have control these days?

Scroll through some of the highlights from the chat below:

Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for the full discussion. Please note that the transcript is in reverse chronological order. If you weren’t able to join us this week, weigh in on the chat questions below!

The #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is a weekly ritual for some of the savviest PR pros on Twitter.  Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to participate. If you’re looking for immediate answers to your questions and real-time access to wisdom from veteran pros, join us as a  Premium member of Solo PR Pro – our private Facebook group is available 24/7.

Written By Karen Swim
Karen Swim is the President of Solo PR and Founder of public relations agency, Words For Hire.