Cultural Advocacy and Public Relations


multi ethnic business team

Cultural Advocacy and Public Relations

Jul 12, 2016 | Chats

Cultural Advocacy and Public Relations

Jul 12, 2016 | Chats

Solo PR Pro is taking July off from our bi-monthly Twitter chats, however we are gathering on other platforms. On Wednesday, July 13 at 1pm ET, we invite  you to join our blab discussion with Solo PR Pro member, Aaamaal Abdul-Malik.

This integrated communications strategist is the founder of THESAURI PR, and Ph.D candidate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology with research interests in Human Behavior, Prejudice and Discrimination, and  Advocacy Group Dynamics. Aamaal has more than a decade of experience helping organizations to engage with unique consumers. In this blab talk, Aamaal will provide practical tips for building cultural advocacy into every campaign. We will discuss the following questions:

  1. What is cultural advocacy and why do we need it?
  2. What is the  difference between cultural advocacy and diversity?
  3. Why is it no longer enough to check marketing and public relations campaigns for hot button issues?
  4. In an environment where everything seems off-limits, how do we make sure we are having the right conversations?
  5. How do brands and PR pros go about structuring a cultural advocacy program?
  6. What are the benefits and the risks?

If you have never joined a Blab talk before, it works just like a webinar. Go to this link: on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 1pm ET. If  you subscribe in advance, you will be alerted when it starts. You will be able to participate with questions and comments. We look forward to chatting with you!

Photo courtesy of | Ambro

Written By Karen Swim
Karen Swim is the President of Solo PR and Founder of public relations agency, Words For Hire.