The 2014 Solo PR Summit in Atlanta has just concluded, and we're proud to say it was a huge success! Furthering Solo PR Pro's mission to provide the tools, education, advocacy and community resources needed for communications consultants to succeed and grow, the Summit gave attendees a chance to experience in-person what Solo PR Pro offers every day – informative content, practical no holds barred advice, and an incredible community of support.
This year’s Summit, universally praised by attendees, was once again chock full of practical advice and tips not available anywhere else. Rather than put together our own recap, we wanted to highlight the excellent recap posts from those who attended. If you weren’t able to join us at the summit— or if you were there, and want to re-live it –below is a sampling of the publicly available summaries and other content (we'll continue to update as more folks post):
- The 7 Commandments of the Solo PR Summit – Arik Hanson
- Wildcards, Snowballs and Other Key Takeaways from the Solo PR Summit – Daria Steigman
- Time with My Tribe – Solo PR Summit Takeaways – Michelle Kane
- Savvy Solos, Saucy Speakers and Super-Sized Learning – Karen Swim
- How to Stay on Top of Social Media in 30 minutes a day (presentation on Slideshare)– Arik Hanson
- Facebook Advertising on a Small Budget – Zoetica Media
- Recap of 2nd Annual Solo PR Summit – Alison Kenney
- How to Handle Difficult Conversations: 7 Tips from The SoloPR Summit – Mary Ellen Miller
You can also checkout our 2014 Solo PR Summit photo album on Facebook to see your friends and relive some of the fun memories.
This comment shared in the Solo PR Pro Premium Facebook Groups sums up the experience shared by many attendees:
I'm still riding the high of Solo PR Summit. So much in fact, that I told one of my clients today that my rates increased. They didn't even flinch. Thank you to Kellye, all the wonderful speakers and fellow attendees for providing an opportunity to learn and meet so many wonderful communications professionals.
Solo PR Summit is a face-to-face realization of what we do throughout the year, equipping you with the knowledge, tools and networking you need in your indie business. We're looking forward to continuing the momentum here at Solo PR Pro, building on the relationships and knowledge gained at the Summit for months (years?) to come!
What was your favorite lesson or experience from the Solo PR Summit?
my favorites were the encouraging (and not always subtle) nudges; the insights on the evolution of pr in the digital age; and the need to keep a strategic plan for my business. this is the kind of conference, these are the kind of pros that remind you that you may be solo but you’re not alone.
So many, but one of my favorites was Lauren Vargas’ presentation. The connection she made between digital communities and urban planning was insightful. It also shook me from the rut of digital as “tool” and reenergized me about community. I also got the message (really this time) about being your own client. So many great lessons, I could go on and on. Best of all the people. There are groups and there are communities, Solo PR is a community unlike any other.
Well said!
For me it was seeing so many old friends (like you!) after so long, and making new ones with folks I previously only “knew” in social. To me that is hands down the best experience of any conference. At SPS, however, I was really impressed with the content and the willingness of everyone to share, teach, and learn. It gave me a huge energy boost and I can’t thank you enough for making me a part of it! You’ve built a community to be proud of, Kellye. Congratulations!
And, psst, I need your and @KarenSwim:disqus’s mailing addresses. 😉
Good stuff. I completely agree about the wonderful Solo PR community — I love showing the Summit’s high caliber speakers how great our pros are! Solo PR Pros are both savvy and generous, and it’s great to see how we can learn from each other every day.