Blogger relations is an activity only growing in importance for PR pros as the media landscape continues to shift. When bloggers speak on the topic, we often hear cranky pronouncements about the uselessness of PR people, which can too easily be written off as the self-important whining of big egos. But most bloggers are entirely reasonable folks like you and me – what do they have to say about the role of PR people?
After speaking on Kami Huyse’s panel on “Building Relationships with the Digerati” at the recent PRSA International Conference, Matthew Henry of Child’s Play x2 (one of a growing group of Dad bloggers) was kind enough to sit down with me. According to his bio, Matt’s been “chronicling the highs and lows of parenting twins since he knocked up his wife in 2004.” I approached Matt after the session because (in addition to being funny) I found him extremely reasonable, with a message PR pros need to hear:
Does the fact that most bloggers make little to no money from their endeavors impact the way you work with them? How are you working to avoid the no-nos, and what have you done that’s resulted in success?