Twitter Thwarts Today’s #Solopr Chat


Twitter Thwarts Today’s #Solopr Chat

Jun 9, 2010 | Chats

Twitter Thwarts Today’s #Solopr Chat

Jun 9, 2010 | Chats

Twitter's Fail WhaleDue to massive and widespread Twitter failures, today's #solopr chat has been canceled. All of the questions submitted will be held until next week, when we'll be back with a vengeance! Join us next Wednesday from 1-2 pm ET (find your local time zone here).

In the meantime, what will you be doing while Twitter is down? Feel free to share, ask questions and/or chime in with some trademark Solo PR Pro humor below.

Written By Kellye Crane
Kellye Crane is the founder of Solo PR Pro, which provides the tools, education, advocacy and community resources needed for indies to succeed and grow. She's a veteran and award-winning communicator with more than 20 years of experience - 19 of them solo.