How PR Consultants Can Switch Industries

Getting Started

How PR Consultants Can Switch Industries

Feb 10, 2010 | Getting Started

How PR Consultants Can Switch Industries

Feb 10, 2010 | Getting Started

As part of this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, pros in PR consulting offered insights on a wide-range of topics, addressing the following questions:

  1. What advice do you have for switching industries- e.g. B2B to consumer PR?
  2. How do you balance the tax/financial planning side of their business (since tax man = tax returns only)
  3. How do you find and pitch to potential clients?
  4. How should one build media contacts for yourself when the company you've worked for doesn't have a great relationship w/press?

An excellent piece of advice came from Mary Barber (@mdbarber) on the first question:

“Remember that the fundamentals of the profession are the same no matter your specialty. More is the same than different.”

Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for tons more wisdom (note: for some reason, the ever-buggy wthashtag transcript this week omitted Q3 – answers to that question can be found here).

What do you think — any points to add to the discussion?

The #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is a weekly ritual for some of the most savvy Solo PR Pros on Twitter. Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to participate – see Join Us for the #solopr Chat on Twitter to find out how!

Written By Kellye Crane
Kellye Crane is the founder of Solo PR Pro, which provides the tools, education, advocacy and community resources needed for indies to succeed and grow. She's a veteran and award-winning communicator with more than 20 years of experience - 19 of them solo.