On the fourth Wednesday in June, we held one of our traditional Q&A chats, where top independent communication professionals shared thought leadership, tips and advice in response to questions submitted by the community (learn how to join us here). On June 24 2015, we weighed in with opinions and insight on the following topics of interest:
- How do you research the best media/influencer targets? Where do you start?
- What tools are most useful for your media relation efforts? (for outreach, mgmt, etc.)
- When you have news, how do you determine the best timing and avoid conflicts?
- Do you put a press release over the wire? If so, which one is best? Do free wire services work?
- What’s the best place for an announcement to “live”? Where do you post?
- What do you if your pitches are falling flat?
A few of the top tweets are highlighted below (followed by a link to the full transcript):
Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for the full discussion. Please note that the transcript is in reverse chronological order. If you weren’t able to join us this week, weigh in on the chat questions in the comments!
Note: This was our last Twitter chat until after our summer break! #SoloPR Twitter chats are going on hiatus for the hot and lazy days of summer. We’ll see you again in September!
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