Chat Recap: PR Crisis, Visuals, Transparency and Changes


Chat Recap: PR Crisis, Visuals, Transparency and Changes

May 1, 2014 | Chats

Chat Recap: PR Crisis, Visuals, Transparency and Changes

May 1, 2014 | Chats

crisisAn international group of independent communication pros gathered for the April 30 #solopr Twitter chat to discuss the following topics of interest:

  1. (1/2) We all know about the Clippers. @prtini makes a great pt about using visuals in crisis response:
  2.  (2/2) What are some other examples of good use of visuals in a crisis? Do you have them as part of your crisis plans?
  3. For visuals, should I outsource design or enhance my own skills?
  4. The world of PR and mktg keeps changing. Are there areas you struggle with, and how do you address?
  5. As a co, @buffer has transparency as one of its core values: What are the PR implications of this?

Scroll through some of the highlights from the chat below:

Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for the full discussion. Please note that the transcript is in reverse chronological order. If you weren’t able to join us this week, weigh in on the chat questions below!

The #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is a weekly ritual for some of the savviest PR pros on Twitter.  Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to participate. If you’re looking for immediate answers to your questions and real-time access to wisdom from veteran pros, join us as a  Premium member of Solo PR Pro – our private Facebook group is available 24/7.

Written By Kellye Crane
Kellye Crane is the founder of Solo PR Pro, which provides the tools, education, advocacy and community resources needed for indies to succeed and grow. She's a veteran and award-winning communicator with more than 20 years of experience - 19 of them solo.