Those of us who’ve worked at agencies remember joining forces with co-workers to develop combined pitches before conducting media relations for feature coverage. Pitching a trend is much more meaningful when you have three or more spokespeople from different companies...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Tips on Twitter Lists, Podcasts and More
The #solopr chat on Twitter this week was another excellent example of how the Solo PR Pro community continues to be an excellent source of inspiration, ideas and resources for each other. One of the most lively discussions took place around Twitter’s fairly new List...
Blogger Relations – from a Blogger’s Perspective
Blogger relations is an activity only growing in importance for PR pros as the media landscape continues to shift. When bloggers speak on the topic, we often hear cranky pronouncements about the uselessness of PR people, which can too easily be written off as the...
How do you distribute news?
This week’s #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern on Twitter – got into the nitty gritty of one of the top issues facing PR professionals today: news distribution. Be sure to check out the transcript here in PDF, or online, for astute insights from...
Wisdom of #solopr Chatters
The November 11 edition of the #solopr Twitter chat took on a life of its own (as all good chats do). We tackled tough topics, including the extent to which agency experience is helpful to Solo PR Pros, and whether PRSA membership is useful to an independent...
Key to a Long Career: Ongoing Education
As I arrive in San Diego for the 2009 PRSA International Conference (which gets underway today), I look forward to some exciting educational sessions and invigorating networking with old and new friends. I'm realizing that as independent consultants, we must find our...
Planning for the Future – 11.04.09 #solopr chat
Addressing issues/questions submitted by the community, the #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is becoming a weekly ritual for a host of savvy Solo PR Pros on Twitter. Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to join us! This week’s...
Mentors for Each Other – 10.28.09 #solopr Chat
October 28, 2009, the date of this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, was a proud day for me. Why? Because I was unable to participate in the chat due to travel, and it proceeded full steam ahead without me. What a terrific testament to the community of Solo PR Pros that...
Transcript for the #solopr Chat – 10/21/09
Starting this week, we'll be posting the transcript from the weekly #solopr Twitter chat (Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. Eastern) here on the blog. Why? Because each week the chats are chock-full of free advice, tips and interesting discussions on the future of PR, social...
PR Consultants: It’s Twitter Time
As PR consultants, it’s our job to be a resource to our clients and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new strategies, technology and tools. For this reason, the time has come: all PR consultants should be on Twitter… now.
Why Entrepreneurs Should Hire Solo PR Pros
In the world of entrepreneurial ventures and startups, there are frequent discussions of whether Public Relations is necessary (in fact, a Google search for the phrase “pr is dead” [in quotes, lowercase] returns 119,000 entries!). The question resurfaced this week as...
Success Stories: Shonali Burke
Our latest Solo PR Pro success story is the fascinating and always engaging Shonali Burke, ABC. Based in the Washington, D.C., area, Shonali is the IABC-accredited, award-winning principal of Shonali Burke Consulting. She blogs at Waxing UnLyrical, under the watchful...