During the #solopr Twitter chat this week, PR consultants shared their top tips on topics that are key to running an independent PR business successfully. The questions included: 1) Does anyone have a co-op, biz partner or share office space? How's that working out?...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Managing Your Solo PR Business
As part of this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, pros in PR consulting offered insights on a wide-range of topics, including the following: 1. A community member wanted to discuss @ginidietrich's post: It's Time to Rid PR Firms of the Billable Hour. What do you think of...
Dealing with Stress
Lately, there seems to be a recurring trend among many independent PR consultants - stress! For most of us, it comes as no surprise that PR was recently named among the top 10 . With so many of us feeling stressed out, and since our longevity as Solo PR Pros depends...
Raising rates, Monitoring and More
We discussed some of the hottest topics now facing #solopr pros during this week's Twitter chat. The questions included: 1) When do you decide to raise rates, and how do you do it? 2) What applications/services do you use for media coverage or social media...
Thinking Big Picture
During the #solopr Twitter chat this week, we addressed questions from the community that centered around looking at the big picture for your business. The topics included: 1) How do you know when it's time to start hiring staff and turn your solo practice into an...
10 Foolproof Excuses to Network and Reconnect
We’ve all been there: one day we look up, and we haven’t done our professional networking in a while. But if you haven’t spoken to a contact since the last millennium, what excuse can you use to reconnect? Of course, if you have a great relationship with one of your...
Why Did You Go Solo?
During this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, we discussed some of the most important questions that face independent PR consultants, especially those just starting out. Read the transcript (in PDF) for answers from top Solo PR Pros to the following questions: 1. Are your...
What Are You?
During this week’s #solopr chat on Twitter, we had a lively conversation that included the pros and cons of the various labels we use for ourselves. Is it better to position oneself as a consultant, freelancer, independent contractor, or some other title? This...
Fish or Cut Bait
This week’s #solopr Twitter chat was once again a fun and informative hour. In honor of the former (and the fact that it's April Fool's Day), I couldn't resist including an image that relates to an inside joke among chatters - the transcript reveals why this week's...
Keep a Positive Attitude
This is a guest post from Alan Cohen of Acts of Balance Executive Coaching The life of a solo PR practitioner can be isolating. Alone in your office or home, without the stimulation of colleagues and the energy of a busy office or institution, it can be a challenge to...
Wire Services, Unpaid Bills, and More
As part of this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, top PR consultants discussed a wide-range of topics, addressing the following questions: 1) What wire services have you used, and which do you prefer? Is wire distribution important these days? 2) How do solos collect on...
Parting Ways with a Client, and More
As part of this week’s #solopr Twitter chat, PR consultants offered insights on a variety of important issues, including the following: 1) Do you provide a client with a variable rate sheet, or just say "this is what I charge?" 2) How are other #solopr pros creatively...