Some people obviously love to post pictures and videos of themselves online. I am not one of those people. I’m a card-carrying Gen-Xer who predates selfie mania. I’d rather veg out than take snaps of myself in a new outfit. And if you ever see a picture of me...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Community Tip: Managing Negative Comments on a Client’s Facebook Page
This Community Tip comes from the Solo PR PRO Premium Closed Facebook Group. A members-only outlet for questions, discussions, lead-sharing and support/camaraderie, if you haven’t joined us there yet, just go to and...
Chat recap: Platforms, Podcasts and Job Postings
In case you missed it, the #solopr chat is moving to a twice monthly schedule. This week we held one of our traditional Q&A chats, where top independent communication professionals shared thought leadership, tips and advice in response to questions submitted by...
The #SoloPR Twitter Chat Evolves – New Schedule and Format Updates
The #solopr Twitter chat is one of the longest continuously-running regular chats on Twitter - this September, the #solopr Twitter chat will be five years old! Nearly 250 chats later, participants in this top Twitter chat for independent communications professionals...
Community Tip: How to Get the Most Mileage Out of Survey Content
This Community Tip comes from the Solo PR PRO Premium Closed Facebook Group. A members-only outlet for questions, discussions, lead-sharing and support/camaraderie, if you haven’t joined us there yet, just go to and...
Community Tip: How to Schedule Retainer Billing
This Community Tip comes from the Solo PR PRO Premium Closed Facebook Group. A members-only outlet for questions, discussions, lead-sharing and support/camaraderie, if you haven’t joined us there yet, just go to and...
Chat recap: Navigating Tricky Clients and the Role for Texting
Each week, top independent communication professionals share thought leadership and tips as part of the #solopr chat on Twitter (learn how to join us here). This week, we weighed in with opinions and insight on the following topics of interest: When a client is...
One No Closer to a Yes – 5 Tips for Overcoming Setbacks
Does any of this sound familiar? You meet with a prospective client, and get to know their business. After spending hours customizing a proposal to fit their needs, they come back and say “no.” You felt confident about your plans for media relations outreach on a...
Chat Recap: Analyzing Success and Keeping Your Chin Up
Each week, top independent communication professionals share thought leadership and tips as part of the #solopr chat on Twitter (learn how to join us here). This week, we weighed in with opinions and insight on the following topics of interest: When you have writer's...
11 Grammar Mistakes That Make You Sound Like a Pompous Jerk
I’m a firm believer that rules are meant to be broken, and stringent members of the grammar police tend to be an annoying bunch. But truly bad grammar can diminish your reputation, make you appear careless, and cost you money through lost opportunities. While the...
Holiday PSA: Don’t Drink and Tweet
It's summertime in the Northern Hemisphere and the U.S. observes its Independence Day this week. With cookouts and celebrations on the calendar, we thought we'd share some holiday fun with a few reminders to all you hot and thirsty people out there: For those who...
Chat Recap: Big Brands, Bold Steps and the Freedom to be You
This week big brands made bold moves in fighting inaccuracies and managing their reputation, which made for great discussion during the June 25 #Solo PR twitter chart. An international group of independent communication professionals weighed in with opinions and...