The times they are a’changin. If you’re working in marketing communications or PR, you’ve no doubt encountered this already. With the now fast-changing media landscape, in many ways we’re in the Wild Wild West. The rules have yet to be established, and not everyone...
Solo PR
Pro Blog
Solo PR Pro Blog
Should PR Pros Be Reading Blogs?
As I talk to friends and colleagues, I’ve found that a number of PR and marketing communications professionals are not reading many blogs. Those they do read are often related to clients, and quite a few folks have confessed to me that they don’t use RSS to keep up...
Don’t Forget to Take a Holiday
In our go-go-go world, many of us are conditioned to feel guilty when we’re not doing something related to our business. Add this to the fact that most of us don’t get paid when we’re not working, and many independent PR and MarCom consultants fail to take sufficient...
End of Year Tips for Consultants
The end of the year is fast-approaching, but there’s still time to think about some of the items that should be on any independent consultant’s radar: Consider hiring an accountant – Most accountants become insanely busy as soon as the new year arrives, and many do...
Look Before You Leap
Just before Thanksgiving, the brilliant David Meerman Scott wrote a post titled “Quit your job” that garnered quite a bit of attention (most of it positive). I was taken aback, because David is truly a great thought leader in the PR space, but on his point about...
Cherish Your Champions
This week is Thanksgiving, and we’ll all be taking stock of the many things we have to be thankful for. For those of us who love Claire Dalrymple Watkins, this week will also mark one year since we lost this magnificent young woman to breast cancer. But this post...
44 Tools for the PR Consultant’s Toolbox
Technology has made it easier than ever for small fries like us to provide big-league service. I’m often amazed how many Web-based applications are available now – it can actually be mind boggling and overwhelming at times. Here, in an attempt to help you wade through...
The Time to Think About Your Solo Career is Now
There’s an elephant in the room – in fact, there’s an elephant sitting on this blog. It’s the economy, and it’s become a central issue for just about everyone. Whether you’re already a PR consultant or currently in a traditional job, we should all take steps now to...
Welcome to Solo PR Pro!
I decided to start Solo PR Pro because I’m often asked to recommend online resources that focus just on independent PR and Marketing Communications consultants… and I realized there really aren’t any. Solo PR Pros have a great life, and I firmly believe that more...
Why Public Relations Consulting?
Are you looking to break free of the cubicle? With the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics predicting that public relations as a field will continue to grow by 18 percent from 2006 to 2016, there are many opportunities to do just that as an independent PR consultant....
Who can be a Solo PR Pro?
While this blog has “PR” in the name, I believe professionals in a wide variety of disciplines can learn from each other here. Yes, I know many of these occupations don’t fall under the banner of public relations, but independents in these fields share many issues,...