On tapping your network, evolution, and growing the biz


On tapping your network, evolution, and growing the biz

Oct 20, 2011 | Chats

On tapping your network, evolution, and growing the biz

Oct 20, 2011 | Chats

During the October 19 #SoloPR chat, independent pros weighed in on using your network to gain exposure, how the industry is evolving, and thoughts on growing the business (or not).  Specifically, the following questions were presented to the group:

  1. At #prsaicon, @chrisbrogan said impressions don't matter, it's *leverage* to get ppl to share your stuff. What do you think?
  2. How has the mix of your #PR activities changed in recent years? How much time spent blding influence/courting influencers, etc
  3. Are you looking to grow, or looking to stay solo? Why or why not?
  4. (per @AmySept): How do you choose the right indies to partner with?

Be sure to check out the transcript in PDF for the full discussion. Note that the transcript is in reverse chronological order.

If you weren’t able to join us this week, please let us know how you’d respond to the chat questions in the comments below!

The #solopr chat – held each Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. Eastern – is a weekly ritual for some of the most savvy Solo PR Pros on Twitter. Anyone with a Twitter account is welcome to participate – see Join Us for the #solopr Chat on Twitter to find out how!


Written By Heather Rast
Content and Community Specialist for Solo PR Pro. Principal of Insights & Ingenuity, a boutique digital marketing agency. Supports several vibrant organizations around the web, including Social Media Explorer, Workshifting, and MarketingProfs.


  1. Sorry to miss this week’s chat Kellye, and not to see more of you at PRSAiCon. Looking forward to reading the transcript. As for the questions… 
    I think my mix of activities has changed a lot in the past few years as social tools have grown. I use them so much more to build relationships and trust.

    It’s those independents I know and trust, either through social or “in-person” relationships that I would partner with. It all comes down to trust. How we gain/measure that trust is changing.

    I’m also not looking to grow my business right now. I truly value the decision making that I do that’s for me and my business alone, without worrying about making payroll, etc., for others. That does limit me in some ways but adds freedom in so many others that I feel it’s the right fit for me.

  2. Many thanks for sharing your insights, Mary. I think it’s interesting you use the word “trust” in relation to a chat where we mentioned Chris Brogan — as the author of the book Trust Agents, I’m sure he would approve! I think trust is an extension of credibility, and as you note, that’s always been an important part of our business.